Thursday, September 3, 2009

.stirred up.

I've actually been hot and bothered about our "outbound" tomorrow. It's 10:30 and I still haven't packed up and prepared all my suff.UGH.
We're going to morong,tanay,rizal . I'm envisaging our trip to be bold and venturesome. yeah'. I'm pretty sure that i'm gonna be actin' so wild and carefree during the whole trip, i hope that the scenery and the milieu will be breathtaking and generate me to evoke strong emotions. Sounds crazy?.you'll love me when I'm crazy. *wink.
I anticipate that me n' a couple of my oh-so-naughty pals would seem like a barrel of monkeys exhbiting barrels of laughter and causing a bit of a riot.
"A spectacular visual display.."'ll see..
UNLESS , most of us are accompanied by mood swings, we'll be restrained,subtle and subdued tomorrow. so much for that.
Oh well,I'm just hopin' to take oodles of pictures tomorrow, and maybe post it in friendster or facebook . so typically me .
Time check: I presume its 10:40.I'm gettin a bit sleepy. I'm gonna put the boot in and get some freakin' rest.
ica here,signing out. :)